Our Goals and Objectives
Thank you!
I would like to thank several people who have made significant self-less contributions to the borehole pumps project. Mr. and Mrs Rodger and Anna Gronski (not their real names) who originally proposed and started the project in May 2014. They are an elderly Mennonite couple whose religious faith forbids them from seeking any type of publicity for their good work. I totally respect their insistence that they remain anonymous. They spent $62,400.00 of their life savings on the project from 2014 to 2018 installing 52 pumps in 52 villages.

The very demanding and challenging work of actually installing pumps on the ground in the villages would not have been possible in the 52 villages in the Lundazi District if it was not for my brother Vincent Tembo of Lundazi in Zambia. He is a relentless dedicated organizer in the villages who continues to surprise me with his energy at the age of 55 years.
The thousands of village residents have all made contributions towards the installation of the borehole pumps in their villages.

Maxine Z Magri, CPA PLC
Maxine Magri of Maxine Z Magri Accounting Services of Harrisonburg in Virginia was kind enough to donate her services in filing the paper work with IRS for the Zambia Borehole Pumps Project to be officially a non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Code (ITC) Section 501 (c) (3).
Lori Lineweaver Bridgewater was kind enough to donate her skills and time in developing the web page for the borehole project. She is always very dedicated and patient.